We have degrees, but we didn’t learn business from textbooks. Our business knowledge comes from hands-on experience navigating challenges, forging successful deals, and learning valuable lessons along the way. There’s no substitute for experience, and no faster way to gain it than by building something from nothing. This practical experience drives our deep respect for fellow entrepreneurs, understanding the hard work and risk involved in building a beloved business that customers keep coming back to. Having invested in, built, and raised funding for businesses, we've seen the pitfalls of short-term private equity and venture capital. Inspired by enduring business principles that prioritise patience and long-term vision, we chose a different path. We built Kelaby Company to be the ideal acquirer for our own businesses—one that holds onto businesses forever rather than selling to the highest bidder. We focus on caring for employees, creating opportunities for growth, and mentoring future leaders. We give businesses the time they need to grow at their own pace, adhering to a philosophy of long-term commitment and nurturing. Kelaby Company stands as a testament to the value of long-term perspective in a short-term world, providing a nurturing and patient home for exceptional businesses. Our journey is deeply rooted in family values, which shape our approach to business with integrity, respect, and a genuine commitment to the people we work with and the communities we serve.
At Kelaby Company, we are looking for small and medium-sized businesses with exceptionally strong competitive advantages. We are not interested in competing on the basis of the lowest price but in acquiring businesses that excel in their field and make their customers extremely satisfied. Key indicators include organic sales growth, minimal spending on sales and marketing, and high margins. We are especially excited about specific niches and long-established brands or reputations. We are open to partnering with management teams or buying out partners and are comfortable with complex situations. If your business has at least $2,000,000 in earnings, 50% gross margins, and 20% or greater operating margins, we are interested in learning more about what you have built.
I founded Kelaby Company to serve as a foundational hub for the growing enterprises within our family, offering a unified space for both my businesses and those of my brothers. From this familial starting point, the company has grown into a multinational corporation that holds true to the entrepreneurial spirit we were raised with. This journey from a humble family-oriented beginning to a broad portfolio has been shaped by real-world experiences, guiding our long-term, sustainable approach to nurturing exceptional businesses.
- Huss Kelaby.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte adipiscing elit sed eiusmod tempor dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte adipiscing elit sed eiusmod tempor dolore magna aliqua.
At Kelaby Company, our expert team brings a wealth of entrepreneurial experience and strategic insight. Each member has a proven track record of building and managing successful businesses, ensuring they bring practical knowledge and innovative thinking to every acquisition. Our team’s commitment to principled leadership and sustainable growth drives our mission to nurture exceptional businesses for the long term. Meet the dedicated professionals who are at the heart of our success, working tirelessly to uphold our values and vision.